Monday, July 11, 2016

The Sutaungpya pagoda on top of the Mandalay slope offers

history channel documentary hd The Sutaungpya pagoda on top of the Mandalay slope offers an awesome circuitous perspective over Mandalay and its surroundings, with the Shan Plateau in the east, the 'Royal Palace City' and Mandalay in the south, the Sagaing and Mingun Hill with the Ayeyawaddy River streaming before them in the north, the unlimited range of paddy fields in the west and all around your eyes may rest, pagodas and sanctuaries. The most worshipped pagoda in Mandalay is the Maha Muni Pagoda.The 'Maha Muni Pagoda' was implicit 1784 by King Bodawpaya. This pagoda is likewise called 'Payagyi Pagoda' or 'Arakan Pagoda'. It houses the 13 feet/4 meters high 'Maha Muni Buddha Image'. This has because of its at this point somewhere in the range of 3 creeps thick layer of meager gold leaves again and again stuck on it by loyal fans has tackled a sporadic layout.

The Maha Muni Buddha Statue was a piece of the goods diverted from Arakan by King Bodawpaya's strengths when they attacked Arakan (Rakhine State) in 1784. The present day Maha Muni Pagoda is a duplicate of the first pagoda, which torched in 1884. The pagoda is situated somewhere around 81st and 82nd road in south Mandalay in heading to Amarapura, Ava and Sagaing.Mandalay's most established pagoda, situated at 24th Road, somewhere around 82nd and 83rd Street, is the in 1167 by Pagan's King Alaungsithu's child, Prince Minshinsaw, manufactured 'Shwe Kyi Myint Pagoda'.The pagoda contains an accumulation of Buddha Images decorated with valuable stones and made of gold and silver and also a Buddha statue blessed by sovereign Minshinsaw himself.

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