Monday, June 20, 2016

They've been here for quite a while now

discovery channel documentary full episode They've been here for quite a while now, they have a military station on the moon, and get re-supplied from that source, additionally, they got an army installation on Mars, their starships are currently on their way to our orbit...this will be the foe, and now I will converse with you about the stages... what's more, similar to all phases of war it includes the development of troops and materiel starting with one area then onto the next, we expect they have these all prepared on the moon, and Mars from their home area, which we accept is some place in the Andromeda group of stars (it is 20% greater than the mass of the Milky Way, and looks like s winding for the individuals who don't have a clue, or a major star or little cloud in the night sky, the universe seems to be like the Circle of Raphiam in Israel, it has five essential rings, and one substantial focus).

These supplies and men we expect are (some of them) effectively down on earth in their underground concealed provinces all through the world, let me now clarify rapidly what we need to accept: above all else their troops are as of now raised and prepared, and their hardware brought from their home planet into our planet's circle a twofold first stage, really we know not certain degree this is as of now set up, accordingly the vehicle procedure is in the go organize at this moment, the following stage is transporting it to earth, we know they have ships in the underground earth, and can escort the mother ships with the gear without inconvenience, subsequently, this transportation condition is as of now set up, next the ground powers must be taken from circle through the gravity well to a sensible social occasion area, this perchance is occurring at the present time as I am illuminating you, this is the drop phase of any military arrangement, and clearly theirs moreover. Presently they should get a preparation, and go onto the battling stage, this undoubtedly will occur in the next days, and subsequently amid this intermixed stage, the really battling will begin in spots handpicked all through the worldwide scene. Presently the last stage, or stage will happen, and as the battling goes on, they will need to keep on dropping troops, supply them, bolster them from circle, and over the long haul, if the war endures that long, at last be re-supplied from home planet. Yet, something lets me know they don't anticipate that it will keep going that long.

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